Excerpts from Childrens' Supplements in Jewish Newspapers Letters to the Editor of the Childrens' Supplements of the German Jewish Newspapers Source : Juedische Rundschau, 15 December 1933. Dear Children's Rundschau! A short time ago, a youth group was founded in Jauer; in all there are eleven children in Jauer; all of them joined our group. I think that the children like it a lot. We do handicrafts, we sing and chat together. Right now we are quite in demand. Our Hannukah celebration will be held in Liegnitz and we are preparing for it. To be honest, I have to say that I used to feel uncomfortable when children told me: You are a Jew'. Today it fills me with an inexpressible feeling of happiness that I am a Jew. I have arranged a Zionist corner decorated with pictures from Palestine. I cut out a Star of David and hung it up along with the flag. From now on I will always participate in the Children's Rundschau. I am an enthusiastic Zionist. With a sincere Hazak, Charlotte Baum, Jauer Source: Juedische Rundschau, 29 December 1933. Dear Rundschau! I am 13 years old and live in the town of Steinau on the Oder. As there is only one other Jewish child my age here, I would like to start a German correspondence with other children who now live in Palestine. I am now seriously starting to study Hebrew. I would prefer to correspond with girls of the same age. Since I am interested in Palestine I would like to hear a lot about it. I look forward to a quick response. With a sincere Hazak truly yours, Marlon Freundlich, Steinau on the Oder Source: Juedische Rundschau, 18 May 1935. On Monday, 29 January, my friend and his parents left for Eretz [Palestine]. We were together in a group of Maccabi-Hatzair. The entire group was there at the train station and we gave him a book by Scholom Aleichem. His sister's group was there too. It was really crowded. We hope that we will see each other again in Eretz. Once the train began to move we called out a final 'Hazak Ve'ematz'. Martin Klotz (11 yrs.), Berlin Source: Juedische Rundschau, 17 January 1936. The Certificate Dear Children's Rundschau, Hannukah is always very nice at our house. We play dreidel, and if I win then I can take all the nuts. Yesterday we played with Hannukah money and I won. My bigger sister, who is going to Eretz next week, told me to get a certificate. Can I get it from you and can I come with her? Yours, Cili (7 yrs), Westheim Editors' Reply: Dear Cili, unfortunately you cannot get a certificate from us, and you are still too young for such a thing. Once you are grown up and have learned a profession for Palestine, then you will certainly be able to go there. Source: Juedische Rundschau, 29 January 1937. A Vacation Experience I spent my holidays in Munich. There was clear and beautiful winter weather. There was a big skating rink in the Luitpold Park. I went skating everyday and during that time I got to know a nine year old boy. I asked him: Are you Jewish?' He answered: I don't know.' With such a careful response, I thought immediately that he was a Jewish boy. I asked: Do you read the Juedische Rundschau at home?' He answered: Yes, I know it.' Thus I knew for sure that he was Jewish. Why didn't you say that in the first place' I asked him, we certainly have to be proud of being Jews.' Hans Baer (9 yrs.), Nuremberg Source: Unser Familienblatt. Jugendbeilage des Israelitisches Familienblattes', 14 February 1935. I am the only Jewish child... Dear friend Gelle! Please don't be annoyed that I address you like this, but I honestly hope that I have finally found a Jewish friend. I live in Eggenfelden (Lower-Bavaria) and I am the only Jewish child in the area. That is also the reason I can't attend our services. Since it takes a three-hour train ride to get to the nearest synagogue.... This year we unfortunately couldn't even form a Minyan, because two families have emigrated. Erich Faltischek (11 yrs), Eggenfelden Source: Unser Familienblatt. Jugendbeilage des Israelitisches Familienblattes, 14 March 1935. Dear Gelle, I am just eight years old and here in Offenburg children are only allowed into the Youth League when they reach the age of nine. Is it the same everywhere? I really want to join the bund, because the other children tell me how nice it is. Do I have to wait a whole year, until I too can join the bund? Please give me an answer soon. Yours, Erich Weil, Offenburg Source: Unser Familienblatt. Jugendbeilage des Israelitisches Familienblattes , 23 April 1936. What do you want to become?' Someday I want to go to Palestine and become a baby nurse. Why? Because I like children very much. When the children's mothers and fathers are out to work, I think, there is a need for nurses for infants. Margot Fuhrmann (8 yrs), Dresden I would like to become a cook. I am interested in all household matters, especially in cooking. I have often prepared salted potatoes and fried potatoes all by myself. Perhaps I will someday become a cook on an ocean liner to America or Palestine. My little brother said he will become a waiter and we will open a restaurant together. My brother's name is Axel and he is six years old. Gerd Lewy (9 yrs), Berlin I have an aunt in Vienna. She has three children. The oldest daughter is learning how to make corsets for a living. I have decided to learn the same, as one has to know a trade. And I always get an A in arts and crafts. My mother also thinks that it would be a good job for me. Adele Vogel (10 yrs), Berlin